Monday, February 18, 2008

First impression

Supercharger Vs. Turbocharger in cars:
First of all,what is each,and what it does? Both are devices that work in conjunction with engines. Their purpose is to make a small engine give more power,by trading fuel consumption efficiency and cost of manufacturing/installment.
I will only speak about car engines,but every kind of engine can be used with them.
So,let's begin with the supercharger :it's actually a pump that drives air intro the engine cylinder,forcind it in. It is powered mechanicaly by the engine itself,by a connecting belt or chain,and in some cases even a gear. First one ever used was designed by a german engineer, Gottlieb Daimler, back in 1885.
Next, the turbocharger :it has a lot of thing in common with the supercharger,i mean,both pump air compressing it more than normal,in the engine cylinders. Unlike the supercharger,it is driven by exhaust gases that exit the exhaust system.
First of all,both systems take power from the engine,so, if an engine with a supercharger or a turbocharger outputs let's say 200 HP,making the pump work will decrease the power with as much as 15% ,so the total amount will only be 170 HP. This might seem a bit too much,but without supercharging or turbocharging the engine,it would only be normaly aspirated,and output just 100 HP. Not that this is only an example,normaly there are lots of different output with different engines,and gearboxes.
Compressing air increases its temperature, so in order to avoid overheating engines use a small radiator called an intercooler between the pump and the engine to reduce the temperature of the air.

I will continue with pro's and con's of both superchargers and turbochargers. Please note that this post does not claim to present all aspects and it is not my intention to bore anyone with details only an engineer would appreciate.

Supercharger :

  • it's driven the engine itself,so it has no lag at all,it will start to pump air and get power at the push of the pedal,indifferent of RPM. The main advantage is that it reaches full-boost pressure instantaneously.
  • being mechanically driven,it is less susceptible to break-down,and less complex in design,and so much more reliable.
  • requires less expensive build materials,so it is cheaper to build and to maintain.
  • It takes more power to work,so it is less efficient,and uses more fuel.
  • It requires more space to install,a lot of American Muscle cars have hood modifications in order to accomodate the supercharger but this creates a different visual car,so many drivers enjoy this.


  • It's small,requires little space,cars with one installed,have no need to modify the hood or car body.
  • Requires exhaust gases,wich are already wasted,so it has less impact on fuel consumption
  • Turbo lag -being driven by exhaust gases,the turbine cannot be used efficiently at low RPM,and takes some time to build power. This is somewhat solved by maintaining a proper ratio between engine gear and RPM. Some turbo cars have a display that makes it easier to keep in the correct zone.
  • It is mechanically a very complex device,requiers oil lubricating,and can be easily damaged by incorrect use. Never push the pedal completely down,in and under powered engine,with low RPM,as this could damage the turbine. Never stop the engine completely after driving the car at high speed,just let it idle for couple of minutes,to lubricate the turbine ax completely,and let it cool down.
  • Maintanance is not cheap,and it is required to be tested periodically,due to large RPM that it reaches,and extreme heat. It also need intercooling,and so needs supplementary piping.

Many of the above con's are reduced by development of newer and more advanced materials,or technological advance.
Turbo lag can be overcome by using a smaller turbine,that has lower inertia,and comes in use at lower RPM,or the turbine can be spined immediately by a small electric engine.
Another solution is to put two turbo's in the same engine,each working at a different RPM range,sequentially.

In the USA normally superchargers are dominant,especially in american muscle cars. In modern cars,there is a shift toward the use of turbochargers.
In European an Asian cars,turbochargers are used almost 100% . In VAG German car producer, two years ago we have seen a new type of engine,displaying both a supercharger and a turbocharger,both working sequentially,unde the name "TSI". From an engine of 1400 cmc,it can give 170 HP,wich is tremendous,and all with incredible fuel efficiency.