Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Snow tires

I remember when i was a child,i was so happy when snow was covering everything,i wanted more and more. Now,except that i'm older,and after some still imature, when it snows i know there's gonna be problem on the streets,no matter what the street-cleaning service is trying to do.

Like those of you who live in colder climates,and get snow and below-freezing temperatures,winter is a lot of a pain in the arse for me. I have to start shoveling,and if that would be all,no problemo,but with the car skidding out of control,suddenly i become a fan of hot weather climates.

There are some solutions:
1. Stop using the car when road conditions are not ok
2.Buy snow tires(winter tires),and i will get into this now.

First of all,snow tires,are not just for snow,as is a common misconception. They are for everybody who drives in colder climates,whenever temperatures gets under 8 degrees Celsius. Under this temperature,normal tires,summer tires,as they are called,get harder,and so they tend to loose grip,when cornering,or when braking,especially in mud,snow,or water-covered roads. One possible solution is to slow down a little,but as weather gets even colder,this is not working. The car you thought you know,suddenly is becoming alive,and skids in all directions,mostly in those you don't want or expect it to go.

Snow tires,have a snow flake imprinted on the outsole,so it is easier to spot,and they have large extra-deep treads. Besides these alterations,one very important thing is that they have a larger ratio of silicon inside,wich makes them softer,when weather gets cold,and they get normal grip.
Some manufacturers say they have 50 percent more pulling ability than normal tires on soft snow and nearly 30 percent more on glare ice. In stopping on glare ice, however, snow tires have no advantage over regular tires; tire chains or studded tires are best for ice surfaces. Studs on this tires can be changed,when damaged,or removed,when road conditions no longer require them. Be advised,chain driving is strictly forbidden in some zones,and when you enter a tunnel,or pass the icy road it is absolutely necesarily to remove them. When chains are attached,you must drive at max of 20km/h,or you risk breaking them,ore damaging the car and tires.
Snow tires have treads designed to clear themselves of snow,to prevent snow build-up. When driving behind a car equipped with these,you might think it plows snow out.
People often have the missconception that if they drive a 4WD vehicle,it is more than enough,but the 4X4 traction only helps when cornering or when starting from a full stop. Grip and braking are completely unaffected. Unless you equip it with snow tires,it is just as powerless as a normal touring car.


As a rule,buying all same four tires from the same manufacturer is best.Ever.Some people only put them on front wheels,or rear wheels,depending on what traction they have on their car,but this is a recipe for disaster,as you can get to skid out of control when cornering or when braking.

Also,when buying all 4 at once,you might get a discount,or at least free install. Also,don't forget to ask for balancing them,very important. Also,check your car manual for proper tire inflation values.

One very important thing,is that when weather gets warm again,you must switch to summer tires,because driving with the winter tires is dangerous,due to their softness,they will wear prematurely,and also don't get a good grip.

When not used,should be stored in a cool dry location,and each tire individually wrapped.

Note that when driving snow tires the car is more noisy,and also,they have a lower maximum speed,so do not speed with them mounted.

You can also use all-season tires on your car,but,being a compromise,they are not going to give the best results. Being
adequate in all weather,means they do not shine in any weather.They are more noisy than summer tires, and have less grip then winter tires.But,as a financial solution,they are fine,but try to get a good manufacturer,as the money spend are well worth.

When buying a tire,or anything,remember that usually cheap thing are cheap for a reason,and maybe not worth the risks involved.